Yonder Hill Complex
Conduct Rules
Any part of YONDER HILL complex that does not form part of a unit and includes any paved, grassed area.
A portion or portions of the common property for the exclusive use of an owner or owners of one or more units as set out in Article 27 of the Section Title Act 95 of 1986
The ground which forms part of YONDER HILL complex as set out in the Sectional title plans.
Each owner of a unit shall be a member of the BODY CORPORATE of YONDER HILL complex. An owner whose levy account is fully paid on the date of the AGM (ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING) will be entitle to vote, and has the right to authorise someone to attend the meeting and vote on his/her behalf. An owner whose levy account is not fully paid on the date of the AGM is not entitled to vote.
This is the executive body of the BODY CORPORATE of YONDER HILL. Members were chosen by the BODY CORPORATE of YONDER HILL at the AGM.
- All rules shall apply to all tenants, guests, visitors as well as any person entering the premises of YONDER HILL complex.
- It will be the responsibility of the owner to ensure that the tenant is made aware of the rules and to ensure that they are adhered to.
- It will also be the responsibility of the owner / tenant to ensure that their guests/visitors/ servants adhere to the rules.
- No vehicles may be parked on any part of common property without written consent by the TRUSTEES. This includes the streets within the complex as well as any paved and grass areas.
- Vehicles may be parked in front of garages (indicated by white parking bay lines) provided it is no a hindrance or other residents.
- Any damage caused as a result of unauthorised parking will be for the account of that vehicle’s owner and no liability is accepted for any damage caused whilst a vehicle is parked in an unauthorised area.
- Owners /Tenants are requested to ask visitors to park in the visitor parking area.
- No vehicles exceeding 5000kg are allowed inside the complex.
- No fluids (brake fluid, oil, etc.) of any vehicle belonging to an owner/tenant/visitor may leak on the communal property.
- Speed limit within the complex may not exceed 20km/h at all times.
- Vehicles repairs must be limited to the minimum (only minor emergency repairs are permitted).
- No owner / tenant may, without the required written permission from the TRUSTEES, affect any alteration to their unit which could jeopardise the aesthetic appearance of the complex.
- Any external alteration to any unit must be approved in writing by the TRUSTEES and must be in accordance with the building regulations and requirements of the city council.
- No notice boards, advertisements or placards, which can be seen from outside the unit, may be fixed to any unit without prior written permission from the
- Only one satellite dish per unit is allowed.
- Solar panels may be installed with the written permission from the TRUSTEES. All requirements set by the TRUSTEES must be adhere to and all associated costs will be for the applicant / owner.
[Please see the web page www.yonderhillcomplex.co.za (General information) for further details
- No littering allowed in YONDER HILL complex.
- Refuse should be placed in black bags, and then into refuse containers, outside the unit before 09:00 on refuse removal days (currently Wednesdays), which will then be placed outside the complex by the complex workers for the collection by the City Council.
- Black bags containing garden rubble are not to be placed in refuse containers and will not be removed by the City Council. The removal thereof is the responsibility of each owner/tenant.
- No dangerous or flammable material may be stored by any owner/tenant.
- It is the responsibility of each owner/tenant at their cost to exterminate the pests and plagues inside their units.
- It is also the responsibility of each owner/tenant to prevent any pests and plagues at their unit spreading to surrounding units in the YONDER HILL complex.
- Extermination of pests and plagues on the common areas will be the responsibility and cost of the BODY CORPORATE.
- Mutual respect between residents is essential as the units in the complex are in close proximity to each other.
- Radio’s, car stereo systems, TV’s and musical instruments must be used in such a manner that it does not disturb other residents.
- Hooting in front of the entrance gate as well as in the complex is strictly prohibited.
- After 23:00 on Fridays and Saturdays and after 22:00 on the remaining week nights the noise must be of such a nature that it does not cause a disturbance to other residents.
- It is the responsibility of each owner/tenant to care for their respective enclosed garden.
- The general workers/garden service will cut the lawn and edges on a weekly basis.
- The general workers/garden service will maintain the communal gardens and lawns.
- Parents are responsible at all times, for their children’s actions as well as their safety and must see to it that the rules with regards to using the facilities by adhered to as per the relevant indemnity boards, also taking Rule 7 into consideration.
- The TRUSTEES will not be liable for any injuries incurred by children and/or damages caused.
- No playing are permitted on the paved areas of YONDER HILL.
- Owners /Tenants are responsible for the supervision of their servants within the complex.
- Owners /Tenants may not use the garage/carports as a servants’ quarter or as sleeping quarters.
- No businesses or trade may be undertaken from the individual units/complex without the prior written consent of the TRUSTEES.
- No auction, sale or jumble sales may be held in the complex or any portion thereof.
- No advertisements or publicity material may be distributed within the complex.
12. PETS:
- A maximum of 2 small pets are allowed per unit.
- Only small breed dogs with the maximum adult weight of 10kg will be allowed in units with enclosed gardens only.
- No dogs may walk around in the complex without a leash.
- Owners/Tenants who want to keep dogs and cats must make adequate provision to ensure that pets remain inside the units and enclose gardens, and are not a nuisance to other tenants or owners in the complex.
- No excrement of dogs is permitted in the communal areas. Should it occur, the owner concerned must remove it.Owners of cats must also provide a litter box in their units.
- Dogs that bark, especially when owners are not at home, are a nuisance to other residents. Owners are requested to address the problem when made aware of it.
- All dogs and cats must be sterilized when they reach the age of 6 months.
- Owners of pets must, at all times adhere to the SPCA acts. If it should appear that there is a problem the TRUSTEES reserve the right to request the SPCA to investigate the matter.
- Dogs and cats must wear a collar with the owner’s name and contact number on.
- It is the responsibility of the owner / tenant to let the TRUSTEES /Sectional Title Management know the number of pets (specific dogs and cats) per unit.
- Pets running around unattended in the complex and for which there are no record, will be handed to the SPCA and removed from the premises.
- Owners /Tenants must, at all times, adhere to the rules and procedures displayed at the swimming pool / lapa area.
- Owners /Tenants are referred to the rules as stipulated in the SILENCE section. This social area can easily create a disturbance to units close by.
- The use of fire extinguishers for the washing of vehicles or for any other purposes is strictly prohibited by law.
- All complaints should be in writing and submitted via any of the following:
- Letter to any of the TRUSTEES / Management Agent
- Email to the following email address: complaints@yonderhillcomplex.co.za
- Letter dropped in the “COMPLAINTS BOX, at the security office at the main gate.
- Anonymous complaints will not be considered for action by the TRUSTEES. All action taken by the TRUSTEES will be handed discreetly.
- The TRUSTEES will consider written complaints submitted by residents of the YONDER HILL complex, or any transgression identified by any of the TRUSTEES.
- The TRUSTEES will provide written feedback to the complainant within ten (10) working days.
- Once the TRUSTEES agree that a resident has transgressed against any of the rules set out in this document, and it is in the best interest of the residents of YONDER HILL that action is required, the following process will be followed by the TRUSTEES:
- First transgression – Written warning will be issued to resident and/or owner.
- Second transgression – Fine will be issued to the owner – determined on the severity of the offence (small, medium, high). The TRUSTEES will set the fines for a period of one year and revised on an annual basis.
- Third transgression – Legal action will be taken by the TRUSTEES.